October 19, 2005

Why can't I seem to get all my ducks in a row?

Everytime I get caught up on something or get something organized, I realize that I have been neglecting something or forgot to do something? Anyone else have this happen? I get everything organized this morning (lunches, notes, etc)and forget Mackenzie needs her slip and money for Doughnets with Dad for next week. We are already in the car when I remember. I have to run back in the house, get the form, round up the money, find an envelope. Locate everything and run back to the car, fill out the form will driving (safe, I know), tell Mackenzie to put everything in the envelope and lick it shut. Of course it won't lick shut so stuff it into itself. Good thing Mackenzie missed the bus this morning or she would not have had her slip and money for Doughnuts with Dad day next week and she would be sad. Good thing I did remember even if I was running around like mad this morning. All this because we went to a presentation at school last night on discipline. They provided care for the kids. RJ and I had a date. Just kidding. The speaker was great and we left with some very good ideas. But, on the way home the car was making a very loud strange sound and we had to stop get some fluid for it. Also we promised Mackenzie ice cream because she got all of her spelling words right on her test last week!!! YEAH!!! It was after 9 when we got home. Dominic went to bed right away. Poor thing. He is usually down by 7:30. He had great fun with all the kids though and did not fuss about being tired. Mackenzie still had to eat her ice cream and get to bed. She is so pokey sometimes. She could not get up this morning. Hence, the reason she missed the bus. We are going out of town for a Halloween party with friends this weekend. I am looking forward to it. We are only going to be gone over night, but I so need a break from reality. This will be great.


Blogger jomasmom said...

Good job Mackenzie!! I am the worst when it comes to being organized! I can start in one room, take something to another and get sidetracked and start working on another room. Nothing ever gets done! Dominic in bed by 7:30? I am sooo Jealous. It's 15 till 11:00 and Sarah is still up. She thinks her bed time is when mommy and daddy go to bed!

10:49 PM  
Blogger humble servant said...

Have a great weekend! Safe travels.

And it's good to see an update from you.

Many Blessings.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you all.
Lana, Mackenzie was like that too with staying up until we went to bed. No idea what we did with Dominic, but for the most part, he has always been a good sleeper.
Shelly, once a month they have a doughnuts with Mom or Dad (they alternate months). It is $1.50 for a doughnut and juice, milk or coffee. The kids love it and the 6th grade class makes money.
Thank you Holly - I hope you are recovering nicely from your procedure.

12:46 PM  

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