July 07, 2005

We had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday was free day a local zoo so I took the kids. The weather was great and for being a free day the zoo was not very crowded. We spent 3 hours there - 45 minutes of which was waiting to ride the train. Sunday we went to RJ's home town to see their parade. Mackenzie made out like a bandit in the candy department. For the record, she does not eat that much candy. She has her fair share after collecting the goods and then it gets stashed away and forgotten about. After the parade we ventured to his moms for supper. Good time had by all. The kids played in the yard and Mackenzie learned to climb a tree. No broken bones. Monday we attended our local parade and I got to see my mom for the first time in a month. We went to their house after the parade for only a few minutes because Dominic fell asleep in the car. In the evening we went to my brother-in-laws house for a cookout and fireworks. I was not feeling that great but could not attribute it to anything. We didn't get home until 11:30 and had to be up at 6:00 for work Tuesday morning. I was very exhausted Tuesday but figured it was from the previous night. Then I started aching in weird places - the palm of my hands, the top of my foot, the back of my leg, etc. I started running a fever. I had never felt anything like it before. I went to bed early but did not sleep well. Wednesday I woke up with a very sore throat and the same fever and aches. I made it through the day at work, but was ready to collapse when I got home. I went to bed right after Dominic at 7:30. I slept hard enough that I did not hear 2 police cars, an ambulance and five fire trucks go by the house. Mackenzie woke me up and told me about them. This morning I woke up the same. I called the doctor and he was kind enough to order a strep screen without me going to the office. I work in a laboratory and it was more convenient for me not to leave work and have it done there. Of course it came back positive. I tell could not believe it. I do not think I have ever had strep throat, not even as a child. Now – about the medication….I have never had a problem taking medication, not even prenatal vitamins. The size never bothered me. This particular pill is huge!!!!! I could not even swallow my lunch today because my throat hurt so bad, I had no idea how I was going to take it. I did though. It hurt, but I did it. I called the pediatrician to see about the kids. They said if they start having symptoms to call and they will prescribe something. Cross my fingers, so far, they are fine. Of course, my luck will be that they will start in this weekend while the office is closed. I just had my supper – a chocolate shake. I am off to bed. This is the latest I have been up in a couple of days.


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