April 23, 2005

Well by golly...the computer is fixed...early

I have been lost since Wednesday without having internet access at home. Not just me either. RJ and Mackenzie have probably been worse than me. A good friend of ours offered to look at it for us and was able to fix it. He is a great man.

Mackenzie had her Girl Scout camp today. They left at 8:00 this morning. The camp was supposed to last until 12:30, putting them home around 2. I just sat down for lunch at 1 and Mackenzie came in the door. It is COLD here. Like 40 degrees cold and windy. Their activities were outdoors so they left early. She did get to shop in the gift shop and picked up a cute ring, necklace and bracelet.

Dominic has eaten everything in site today. I think he is going through a growth spurt because he also slept all night last night (only the 5th time ever) and took two long naps today.

My neice is spending the night. Mackenzie and A are the same age. They have had a fun time.

Due to the cold and wind we skipped a baseball game that we had tickets to and skipped a pina colata bon fire tonight.

I am off to spend some time with my hubby. Good night.


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