April 14, 2005

I love my husband. He is so thoughtful sometimes. He called me at work yesterday and said "I know we need milk. I will pick it up. What kind of pads do you need?" He has always been like this. It does not phase him to buy my personal items. However, trying to explain what I need and actually getting it are two different things. I do not complain about it though. I do appreciate his kindness. He also scheduled a babysitter for Saturday night so that we can celebrate our anniversary. He picked out a restuarant for us to eat at and I am not sure what is in store for the rest of the night, but I am sure he has something planned. Our anniversary is not until Tuesday, but we will not able to do anything that night. It will be 8 years. I have no idea where the time has gone. I am still as much in love with him today as I was 8 years ago. He warms my hurts. He gives the best hugs and kisses. I love it when he just comes up to me and hugs me for no particular reason, other than he wanted too. I miss him at night when he works late and on the weekends.

We are planning Mackenzie's birthday party. She is so excited. This will be her first "at home" party with friends. In the past we have always gone some place and all of our family comes. We used to live in an apartment and not everyone would fit so we always went to "kid friendly" places like ChuckECheese. This year we are in a house and there is plenty of room for her friends to come celebrate with her. Saturday the 30th from 2-4 we will be kid central. There are 14 kids invited and so far only 2 have RSVP'd. I hope more come otherwise her heart will be broken. We will have cake and ice cream, some other snacks, make body glitter and lip gloss, play games, open presents. I am sure it will be a blast. Sunday May 1st we are having a party at our house with our family. I think we will order pizza and have cake and ice cream. Mackenzie and her cousins will all play and us adults will sit around and talk. Only problem with all of this is I really really have to clean house. I dread that part. I always feel like I am being analyzed. Though, I know that no one really cares. I work full time and there is little time to clean. Things are somewhat picked up, but we must have enough toys to fill a toy store. They are always everywhere. I think every room in the house has toys in it. I am typing this and baking cookies for Mackenzie's father/daughter dance tomorrow night. I hate my oven. It cooks much hotter than it should. I burnt 2 batches and RJ is going to have to pick up some store bought cookies to take with. That was a waste. We are eating the ones that turned out and boy are they yummy! I got the recipe from fellow blogger - mp. They are awesome. I would post the link to her blog, but I cannot figure out some of these blogging things, like posting links and a blog roll. If there is anyone out there who can help, please drop me a line.
I am off, hug your little ones. Good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you dear.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Pat will be helping ya when she gets back from her trip! :)

3:27 PM  

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